Migrants in Demand |
Engineers |
(Civil, Electrical, Mechanical etc) |
Healthcare |
(Nurses, Pharmacist, Doctors etc) |
IT Professionals |
(C++/C#, SAP, Java, Siebel) |
Tradesmen |
(Toolmakers, Electrician, Welders etc) |
Other Professionals |
(Accountant, Chef etc.) |

Why do you need a migration specialist?
Australian immigration process offers a range of migration visa for potential migrants. A visa application is almost completely decided based on the information provided by the applicant in the application form. It is of utmost importance that every applicant applies for the right visa category that would secure them the best and correct visa according to his/her circumstances.
Every year the Government of Australia releases its migration number intake for the coming year. Thousand of applicants apply for a limited number of places under each visa category. Year after year, thousands fail to secure a visa as a result of errors, gaps and incorrect information submitted. Many of these could be avoided by seeking professional advice and assistance.
The DIAC policy does not discriminate or favour direct applications against another lodged by a migration agent. However it is well acknowledged that the chances of success increase exponentially for a professionally written and submitted application.
Information available directly from immigration offices and overseas embassies are very general and does not address many specific needs and circumstances. While immigration law and regulation itself is a vast field, it is further compounded by the number of new policies released, changes and amendments done regularly by DIAC - sometimes on a daily basis.
Though DIAC is the main processing body for all matters regarding immigration, you will have to most likely deal with other Australian agencies and bodies which are authorised by DIAC to handle various other aspects - eg. Skills assessment authorities, State/territory sponsorship or nomination bodies etc. - which require you to submit technically sound applications.
A professional immigration specialist, (called a Registered Migration Agent (RMA) in Australia, governed under MARA rules) can assist you in preparation of all aspects of your migration application process.
A registered migration agent not only has sound knowledge of immigration law and procedures, but also under the MARA governing rules is required to regularly attend and complete continuing professional education programs within a prescribed period. A Registered Migration Agent is also required to have access to all relevant laws, regulations, government gazettes, notices, policy updates and other relevant information at all times.
At MAASSA, we not only have sound expertise in migration laws and regulations like most other registered migration agents; but also offer the additional advantage of having some of the best technically qualified experts in various professions that assure our clients the highest rate of success in any profession or skills assessment.
It is hence advisable that all potential applicants - no matter how confident they are of succeeding - should seek professional advice at each stage of the application process while lodging an application for migration to Australia.
It is a known fact that "not always the 'best' person is granted a visa, but the 'best presented' person will be".